预订 SenSys 15 13th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems: 9781450341028
【预售】Integrated Management of Networked Systems:
【预售】Intelligent Diagnosis and Prognosis of Industrial Networked Systems
【预订】Envisioning Networked Urban Mobilities: Art, Performances, Impacts
预订 Privacy and Identity in a Networked Society: Refining Privacy Impact Assessment 网络社会中的隐私与身份:完善隐私影
【预订】Optimal Networked Control Systems with MATLAB 9780367778675
【预售】Rewiring Organizations For The Networked Economy:
【预订】Security and the Networked Society
【预售】Ontology Engineering in a Networked World
【预订】Driving Networked Service Productivity
【预订】Networked Systems: 5th International...
【预订】Wireless Networked Music Performance
【预订】Intelligent Networked Teleoperation ...
【预订】Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography
【预订】Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World
【预售】Formal Methods for Eternal Networked Software
【预订】Networked Learning
【预售】Networked Systems
【预订】Open and Social Technologies for Networked Learning
【预售】Databases in Networked Information Systems: 6th
【预售】Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent
【预订】Human Behavior Understanding in Networked Sensing
【预订】Networked Systems
【预订】Networked Systems 9783031174353
预订 Intelligent Networked Teleoperation Control
预订 Networked Systems
[预订]Networked Systems 9783031377648
【预售】Networked Systems: Second International Confer...
【预订】Databases in Networked Information Systems
预订 Computational Intelligence, Networked Systems and Their Applications
【预订】Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2003
【预订】Methodologies and Technologies for Networked Enterprises 9783642317385
【预订】Databases in Networked Information Systems 9783642257308
【预订】Performance Tools and Applications to Networked Systems
【预订】Semantics of a Networked World. Semantics for Grid Databases
【预订】Ontology Engineering in a Networked World
【预订】Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2004
【预售】Databases in Networked Information Systems: 4th
【预订】Reliable Systems on Unreliable Networked Platforms
【预订】Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2002
【预售】Networked Group Communication: Third International
【预订】Networked Group Communication
【预售】Pervasive Computing and the Networked World: J...
【预订】Objects, Components, Architectures, Services, and Applications for a Networked World
预订 Commercial Insurgencies in the Networked Era: The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia 网络社会中的商业叛乱:解读
预订 Exploring the Networked Worlds of Popular Music
【预订】The Social Fabric of the Networked City 9780415461443
【预订】Networked Business Models in the Circular Economy
[预订]Handbook on Networked Multipoint Multimedia Conferencing and Multistream Immersive Telepresence usin 9780367616717
【预订】The Resilience of Networked Infrastr...
【预订】Architecting Networked Engineered Systems
【预售】Networked Control Systems
【预订】The Networked Health-Relevant Factors for Office Buildings
【预售】Networked Reenactments: Stories Transdisciplinary
【预售】Communities of Networked Expertise: Professional and
【预售】The Networked Teacher: How New Teachers Build Social
【预售】Open Networked "I-Learning": Models and Cases of
【预售】Networked Learning: Perspectives and Issues
【预订】Estimation and Control for Networked...
【预售】Handling Uncertainty and Networked S...
【预售】Pervasive Computing and the Networked World: Joint
【预订】Submodularity in Dynamics and Control of Networked Systems
【预售】Cooperative Control of Nonlinear Networked Systems
【预售】Advances in Networked Enterprises: Virtual
【预售】Robust Control for Uncertain Networked Control
【预订】Research, Boundaries, and Policy in Networked Learning
【预售】Networked Digital Technologies, Part II: Second
【预售】Delays and Networked Control Systems...
【预售】Advances in Networked-Based Information Systems: The 22nd International Conference on Network-Based Inform...
【预订】Delays and Networked Control Systems
【预售】Estimation and Control for Networked...
【预售】The Decentralized and Networked Futu...
【预售】Emergent Intelligence of Networked Agents
【预售】Research, Boundaries, and Policy in Networked Learning
【预售】Analysis and Design for Networked Teleoperation System
【预售】Networked Learning: Reflections and Challenges
【预售】Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed
【预订】Hybrid PID Based Predictive Control Strategies for WirelessHART Networked Control Systems
【预订】Handling Uncertainty and Networked S...
【预订】Runtime Reconfiguration in Networked...
【预订】Contributions to Networked and Event...
【预售】RE-BECOMING UNIVERSITIES?: Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies
【预订】Networked Professional Learning
【预订】Intelligent Computing, Networked Con...
【预订】Analysis and Design of Networked Con...
【预售】Algorithm Design for Networked Information
【预售】Designing for Change in Networked Learning Enviro
【预售】Networked Digital Technologies, Part I: Second
【预售】Networked Predictive Control of Systems with Communication Constraints and Cyber Attacks
【预售】Analysis and Synthesis of Networked Control Systems